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The Israeli-Palestinian two-state solution between fantasy and reality

2/6/2016, Al Bawaba

From time to time, the idea of an Israeli-Palestinian rapprochement leading to a two-state solution is revived. Right now, the world is regaining interest in the idea, for a very simple reason. This reason is that Egypt has agreed to support this option, thus giving it credibility. Some people even go further, assuming that there could be a possible meeting between President el-Sisi and the Israeli Prime Minister, which was denied by officials.

So how can one separate fantasy from reality, according to what is being said regarding that subject?

A while ago, a French initiative came about for the promotion of Israeli-Palestinian rapprochement. The aim of this initiative was to support the idea of creating a Palestinian state alongside the Israeli state. As for France and its president, the initiative aimed to promote peace in the Middle East region, which is has always been closely linked to peace in Europe.

For tactical reasons, Israel was reluctant to accept the French initiative. Netanyahu is more inclined to consider an initiative that includes Egypt as a partner, for Israel believes that an Egyptian presence would strengthen Egyptian-Israeli political cooperation, which has been the main Israeli objective since the Camp David Accords.

From the Palestinian perspective, Egypt has been and will always be the only hope for an end of the Palestinian crisis.